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Shelby loves Her Coffee
Enjoying her COFFEE
Shelby got Nipples Pierced
12 year old Shelby

Shelby LeAnne Gore is NOT ordinary

Cedarville, Missouri has a problem: How do you keep a town of 1,400 from talking about this 12 year-old young girl? Shelby looks like a young woman far beyond her young age: filled out, 5’6″ with C-cups, and pierced nipples she loves to show off, with an all-over tan straight from Heaven. She visits with the old men spending their days in the town-square park, answering their questions about her likes and dislikes. These old men love to get a good look at her little cuties that she gladly shows off every chance she gets.

Shelby likes to travel through town on her skate-board, taking daily trips down to Young’s Family and Home Center, to get what her Momma needs. She also talks with the owner about the latest designs of clothes. For the last two years, Shelby has modeled clothes for Young’s weekly newspaper ads placed in many local towns throughout south central counties of Missouri. Young’s has twelve stores that love the business this sexy young girl brings in.

Most people seeing these ads, think she must be upper teens (16-18), high school age girls are the ones buying these clothes. Shelby wears the clothes to school, even has her own fan-club, the 100 high school students who come to her every Friday night parties. Susie Wilson, her long time friend who is in the eighth grade helps pick who to invite to this week’s party. Shelby is only in the sixth grade and has the High School Athletic Coach wrapped around her little finger.

She meets him up at The Hill where he plays golf most every day with Ted Sanders, chairman of the Cedarville State Bank. There are stories but no proof since The Hill is a secure and private compound for the very RICH.

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Beautiful and Peaceful
12 year old Shelby
Picture of Hank Fulk & Lucy

Hank Fulk & Lucy

Henry "Hank" Fulk website designer started 1993 w/Microsoft Front Page, doing advertising layouts and Graphic Design with Corel Draw & Jasc Paint Shop Pro; migrated to WordPress CMS and Elementor Pro page builder for better control of designs
My Book: "The Dreams of Shelby Gore" can be gotten by Clicking here

->The Dreams of Shelby Gore<-

Shelby Modeling

Shelby Started Early

Shelby Started Modeling Early showing young girls’ clothes for Young’s Family & Home Centers, then got to wear them to school. High school the clothes were more risky.

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Looking Good

This Little Town

This Little Town of Cedarville, Missouri has lots of rumors for people to talk about, most rumors include a young blonde teenager named Shelby who just does NOT want to be a normal teenager.

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The GemStones

Who are The GemStones? Dasha, Masha, Sasha, & Tasha whose names being so similar caused confusion, became: Diamond, Emerald, Sapphire, & Ruby. Now over 17,000 years later…

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What do you mean?

Shelby’s Warning!

Shelbys Warning is for TODAY, and concerns our FUTURE, learn about Russia’s EMP weapon that exists NOW, there is NO ESCAPE, this will happen, we just do not know when

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NO Missouri UFOs

NO Missouri UFOs ever, and more LIES have filled the news media for over 70 years, so WHY trust the NEWS now? FACTS do NOT count with Earth’s government ideals.

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Beautiful and Peaceful

Shelby’s Coffee

Shelby’s Coffee with CBD is the way to start your day; don’t buy the $40/pound at your local CBD shop, you can make better. Folgers from Sam’s and CBD drops from Swanson.

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Damn that Girl

Some parents & teachers have complained this girl should be kicked out of school, but she maintains a 4.0 GPA. and there is a lot more most do not know.

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Shelby dresses better

Meet Shelby Gore

Walking home from school without one friend to keep her company was starting to make this teenager wonder if she had made a mistake?

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