Shelby Started Early
Shelby Started Modeling Early showing young girls’ clothes for Young’s Family & Home Centers, then got to wear them to school. High school the clothes were more risky.
This Little Town
This Little Town of Cedarville, Missouri has lots of rumors for people to talk about, most rumors include a young blonde teenager named Shelby who just does NOT want to be a normal teenager.
The GemStones
Who are The GemStones? Dasha, Masha, Sasha, & Tasha whose names being so similar caused confusion, became: Diamond, Emerald, Sapphire, & Ruby. Now over 17,000 years later…
Shelby’s Warning!
Shelbys Warning is for TODAY, and concerns our FUTURE, learn about Russia’s EMP weapon that exists NOW, there is NO ESCAPE, this will happen, we just do not know when
NO Missouri UFOs
NO Missouri UFOs ever, and more LIES have filled the news media for over 70 years, so WHY trust the NEWS now? FACTS do NOT count with Earth’s government ideals.
Shelby’s Coffee
Shelby’s Coffee with CBD is the way to start your day; don’t buy the $40/pound at your local CBD shop, you can make better. Folgers from Sam’s and CBD drops from Swanson.
Damn that Girl
Some parents & teachers have complained this girl should be kicked out of school, but she maintains a 4.0 GPA. and there is a lot more most do not know.
Meet Shelby Gore
Walking home from school without one friend to keep her company was starting to make this teenager wonder if she had made a mistake?
Our Website Portfolio
Hank has built websites since 1993, for many types of businesses and promotional use selling many types of products.