Shelby Turned Twelve!

12-year-old Shelby
Shelby is HOT!

By this time in her young life, Shelby Gore had been modeling for Young’s for two years. At school, she was some what of a celebrity, even older men bought the newspapers just to see what this girl would be wearing. Short dresses, cropped tops, bikinis, shorts and many other garments made this young girl appear much older than her actual age. To many she was becoming a replacement for “Playboy” and other men’s magazines. 

To celebrate turning twelve, the next day her mother was driving to Ava to do some shopping at Wal-Mart. Shelby got let out at the downtown square to shop by herself. Her ever-present Security Detail already knew what she was planning. This girl headed straight to the Jewelry Shop, to talk with the owner. “Do you do nipple piercing?”

The middle-aged man recognized her as the model he’d seen many times in area newspapers. He answered: “Sure do.” and handed her the standard liability agreement which she read and signed, not paying attention to the minimum age requirement. Shelby looked to easily be at least 18, so there was no problem. Locking the front door, he took her back to his private office to do the work. With her top removed, she was the most beautiful young woman he’d ever been this close to.

His mind was racing, but he could keep himself in control. There were many questions to ask this gorgeous creature, and she was quite free with her answers. Choosing a pair of dreamcatchers from his selection of jewelry. She thanked him, paid, and gave him a little extra something that nearly blew his mind.

Leaving the store, Outside, her mom was waiting with a couple members of the Security Detail: “Did it hurt? I’ve been thinking about having mine done.” So, a week later, Marcella and her daughter returned to the shop to get Momma done. “You did such a good job on my daughter’s nipples, I want to get mine done too.”

“You are her mother, not her sister?” the man was about to have a heart attack. “You look so young, how old are you?” he knew he was in major trouble. He should have asked to see the girl’s driver’s license.

“I’m twenty-nine, and we both exercise a lot in our home gym.” the woman was dressed perfect for this occasion, short white semi-transparent dress with low-cut “V” neckline.  Slipped it off her shoulders and Marcella was ready. “Shelby and I have several friends with pierced nipples, so we want to fit into that group.” Momma’s breasts and nipples were a little bit larger than her daughter’s. No wonder she gets mistaken for Shelby’s sister.

The man couldn’t believe his luck, the woman wasn’t mad about him doing her daughter. “Sorry, I should have asked to see her driver’s license. Your daughter is so beautiful and you look so perfect, I just assumed you were sisters.” If anything, this woman was even better than the young girl.

“Don’t give it a second thought, Shelby does her own thing. The girl is boy-crazy and loves to show off her perfect tan. Now with her pierced nipples she is one up on the other girls.” A few tears came to Momma’s eyes as the large needle went through her luscious-tanned nipples. “I’m happily married, so I’ll not be giving you the little bonus like she did.”

Marcella paid, selected her jewelry and admired her new look in a mirror. They were on their way after the man took a few pictures of both their adornments. “Honey, what do you think your dad will say when he sees me naked? I should have done this years ago when I first saw Jodie and Annette’s.”

When they got home, Gus did have something to say: “If your Mom’s nipples get infected, Little girl, YOU will be sleeping out in the yard every night with the bugs for a month. Like always, she does look absolutely gorgeous and I’m very proud of you both.”

By the next summer, Shelby and her mother were both being talked about by the postman, UPS and FedEx delivery men, also every cop in town. Using her skateboard to go down to Young’s to get stuff her momma needed, she’d stop at the town-square and talk with the old guys who spend their days there. It was the high point of their otherwise boring days, to have this young cutie stop by. Shorts, tank top, and bare feet were her usual attire with stiff nipples protruding in the thin fabric. “Guess you’ve heard I had my nipples pierced, want to see them?” And show them, she did.

Dressed for the occasion
Dressed & Ready
12 yr old Shelby
12 year-old Shelby

Shelby was the bright spot in these old guys lives, until one day they were talking about when the next commodities give-away at the Senior Center would be. Their wives were getting hungry. Shelby offered a solution:  “I’ll have Kare-Ann down at Young’s put together some special prices on healthy food items just for seniors.”

“Honey, you don’t understand, we have no money at all. These hoods from Mtn. High take every penny we get from Social Security every month. We tried to refuse, that’s when they started roughing up the women. Old Joe’s wife got her hip broke, so we just pay up for the last year.”

“Hang on!” she ran out to the street waving her arms in the air to get the Security Detail’s attention. There was a burst of smoke from the burning rubber from the Suburban’s tires, screeching to a stop in front of the girl.

The passenger window came down, a Hispanic looking man inquired: “Miss Gore, What’s up?” as

Shelby was putting her ideas together she started talking: “These old guys and their wives have gotten their Social Security checks extorted every month for the last year. Their next checks come a week from Friday, the cops won’t do anything, so I’ll have to think of a plan before then. I’ll need your help to keep the police out of my way when I’m ready to move.”

“Today, I need to get a FREE noon meal for fifty put together down at the Senior Center. Give me some ideas, who do I need to call?”  she was inquiring.

“Okay, the punks run in a gang of twelve. They killed an officer who tried to make an arrest over in Mtn. High about a year ago. Head on down to Young’s, we’ll make some calls before you get down there.” the man was very polite, but: “Now, get out of here!”

Shelby went back to the old guys, telling them to get their wives and anyone else in similar conditions and be at the Senior Center by noon for a free lunch.

Grabbing her skateboard, she’d left leaned up against a park bench, threw it on the ground and she was off heading the two to three blocks on down to the large Young’s store. “Manager is back in the office!” a cashier told the young girl as she came in and headed toward the rear of the store.

Shelby knocked on the door and stuck her head in. The woman inside was on the phone, motioned for her to come on in. “Shelby, Kare-Ann is in St Robert today, she wants to talk to you.” handing her the cordless phone and went back out into the store.

“Get back to the deli and help them getting stuff ready, your Mom is headed to The Hill and will be helping the Sanders girls with the meat entrees, potatoes and drinks. We’ll provide salads and sandwiches, on Sunday after services we’ll have a dinner in the church basement, then next Wednesday at the Senior Center again. Catch you later…” and the phone went dead.

Leaving her skateboard in the office, Shelby headed out and met one of the deli workers coming to get her. “Help me with the salad making, wash green peas, cut up celery, dice onion, carrots and boiled eggs. Work fast and we’ll meet the deadline.” and that’s exactly what she did, the other workers were amazed at how fast Shelby got her share of the work done and helped others.

By eleven forty-five the truck was loaded and rolling north toward the Senior Center. Inside the Senior Center, she found her Momma and the Sanders women with another crew getting things set-up for the meal.

Jodie got the young blonde girl to one side: “When we’re done here, you’re to go back up on The Hill with me. I’m to give you a crash course in martial arts training. I’ve already discussed this with your Mom, until a week from this Thursday evening you’ll live and work out with a personal trainer. You’ll be running on our track two miles morning and evening; you’ll be working out in our specialized gym with thirty-pound kettle-bells. This fight you’re planning is going to be life or death. Do YOU understand what is at stake?” her good friend asked.

“Yes, but I’m the only one that can take these punks on and beat the crap out of them. The special training sounds great, just do NOT tell Susie or anyone else what I’ve got planned. Hey, I’m ready to take all the help I can get.” her mind was running faster than she could talk, good thing Jodie was reading her thoughts as fast as the young girl could think.

12-year-old Shelby
Shelby & her skateboard
Heading to meet her fate
Heading to meet her fate

The old folks had a good meal and ate all they could hold, but no one had any idea what was being planned for one week from Friday. It was announced there would be another free meal in the Church basement on Sunday then back here next Wednesday, all courtesy of Young’s Family & Home Center, Cedarville State Bank, and Cedarville Steel.

Twelve-year-old Shelby met up with her personal trainer and Tamara who worked for Carter Security, they would both be teaching her how to do the most damage and NOT get hurt. Working with two 30-pound kettle-bells, Shelby was in the gym from before dawn until after dark. She had her vitamins and smoothie before she headed for the gym, then about eight AM she headed out for her two-mile run. Lunch consisted of a delivered salad and her second two-mile run was around six-thirty PM.

Sunday, she did her morning run, spent an hour in the gym, then took a shower and headed to church with Ted and Jessica. Kare-Ann gave the other two women a break for the afternoon, she knew what the girl needed so everything worked out fine. Until Thursday evening, young Shelby trained hard, about dark Marcella took her daughter home to have a good night’s sleep. That night she slept without the slightest worry; Shelby knew she could handle her job tomorrow morning.

Up before six AM, her vitamins and smoothie, a few exercises in the basement, 8:00 AM grabbed her skateboard heading down the front sidewalk, waved to her security detail and moved off toward downtown. The city square was empty of people, so she sat down on a bench toward the north side of the park. There was a Suburban belonging to Carter Security parked to the southwest corner of the square near the Police substation, well they were doing their part to keep the cops from interfering with her job at hand. Just after 8:30 AM she could see the old guys heading east toward the Post Office to get their checks. Twenty minutes later they came back and walked into the bank to get their checks cashed. When the old guys reached the park, they told Shelby she should leave, this was no place for a young girl to be today.

With a cute young girl smile, Shelby let the old guys know: “Guys, I’m here to put on a show, when I get up off this bench, just get out of the way. Bodies are going to fly, I do NOT give any guarantee on how many are going to DIE, but Ted from over at the Bank is going to be taking pictures. Here they come! “

A fairly new 4-door Chevy & a large Ford sedan were coming through the traffic light, pulling up to the curb against the park. There were twelve rough, scroungy looking hoodlums climbing out and headed toward the old men on the benches next to Shelby. “Hey guys, thanks for bringing one of your granddaughters for us to play with.”

Picture of Shelby Gore
Shelby Gore

This teenage girl must learn how to Fight organized crime to the DEATH, her life depends on it, NOW!

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