Shelby Always Knew She Sizzled
Ten years old, Shelby started modeling teenage cloths for Youngs Family & Home Centers 12 stores. Maybe that’s a little young, but she was already developing far beyond her young age. Teenage boys thought she was hot, and when the Friday night parties started at the Gore home. Her tanned body was the talk of every teen boy and girl that attended. Kare-Ann Young knew she had a gold-mine in this young not even teen girl.
Stories spread FAST, after the first week, over one hundred teens were attending. Large privacy fenced backyard, 12-person hot tub/spa, ceiling fans, outdoor propane fireplace. Free snacks and soft drinks, no-cover charge, parents figured this was far safer than having their kids parking on some back road.
Susie Wilson, the bank president’s daughter was there every week. She was eleven and only five feet tall, but her young body has been the talk of many older men in this small town. This little girl has dated high school athletes for over a year now, going to the drive-in movie up at Simple City every Saturday night. Susie caught her father with another woman down at the bank late one Saturday night, using the key she’d gotten made down at Young’s from her dad’s key she borrowed. Susie is no angel; she pretty well gets whatever she wants applying pressure on the bank president.
Marcella Gore would come out to see if anyone was in need of anything they couldn’t find on their own. In her black or white bikini, she was an inspiration to every girl present. Soon all the teenage girls were sporting a full-body tan. The tanning beds at Young’s were booked all the time. What high school girl wants to be made look bad by a ten-year-old? Teenage girl clothes were flying off the racks at all twelve Young’s stores.

Marcella, Shelby’s mom has been the talk of Cedarville ever since late summer 1972 when she moved here with her new husband. Mowing the yard in a small bikini, answering the door topless for deliveries. Lots of packages got miss delivered, so the UPS driver could come by a second time for another look. He IS a man, and this woman is a site that is far from average. Marcella Gore likes to be appreciated by those she comes into contact with, and Gus likes hearing the comments about his beautiful young wife.
Marcella considered herself lucky to be alive after the last four years she has endured. With Tommy Walters now sitting on Death-Row up at the Jefferson City State Prison she feels safe. She never got the money back that he stole, and nothing will bring her parents back. Her young life is moving forward in a positive way; a husband that loves her and little Shelby. Three counts of 1st-Degree Murder for killing her parents and their pilot will keep him locked up until his execution. Nothing else for the pain he’d caused her and all the other girls, not one extra charge for the girls he’d also killed.
Remembering Ellen Foster screaming for what seemed like hours as Tommy and his wife Carol tortured her and bled her body dry. There had been others over the four years, but she and Ellen were friends. Some nights her screams still fill this young woman’s dreams. Some clients were cruel, just wanting rough sex, and it did no good to complain, just getting meaner the next time they would get together. Others treated her like something special, taking her out to dinner, buying her gifts, and paying extra in cash for added favors.
Never would she forget the weeks she had spent taking care of outlaw bikers in an old barn as punishment. Then taken to the Walters home for more pain and misery with Tommy and his wife on her around the clock. Carol Walters only got life for her horrendous crimes. Not what she deserved for all the girls she’d helped torture to their dying breath. There was not one good thing about the Walters couple, they were nothing but PURE EVIL!
Finally, now here in Cedarville, this young woman can get a good night’s sleep appreciated by her family and friends. Able to live the life dreams are made of, nice home, a beautiful car, and the whole family able to use the luxury facilities up at The Hill.
September 28, 1972, Marcella and Gus adopted a one-year-old baby girl from a place far, far away. She is an exceptional child, who does require lots of special care. Many hours of mother and daughter play time out in their large yard. Annie-over ball has become a favorite pass-time, Momma in the front yard with little Shelby in the back. The ball would come flying over the roof and the small girl had to catch it.
Something is wrong, four-year-old Shelby realizes Momma has not yelled or thrown the ball for several minutes. So, the small child starts around the house. Meeting a man dragging Momma by her hair, saying he’s going to kill her and the brat. Shelby screamed: “Don’t hurt my Mommy!“
This man was Tommy Walters, and he was dead serious with nothing to lose. Trying to knock the little girl out of his way with a slap of his hand, didn’t work out. The small girl grabbed his arm and flipped herself through the air onto his shoulders. She hooked her small feet in his arm pits. He had to let go of the mother, so he could use both hands to get rid of the brat. With one hand on his chin, the other on the top of his head giving a very hard, fast twist.
The pain was horrendous, everything was going black. The small girl jumped down from the man’s shoulders to the ground holding this man’s severed head. Little Shelby waited for the man’s body to fall in a sitting position with his hands outstretched. Then placing the head in his hands as she sassed: “Hey mister, did that hurt?”
Running to her Momma, the small child wanted to make sure she was not injured by this man now sitting dead on the ground. Momma was on her phone to the Sanders wives, who were now already on their way to the Gore home. They knew something was BAD wrong. The members of the Security Detail parked out front came running around the house with guns at the ready.
When the Sanders wives arrived, they took care of the cleanup. Momma and daughter were to shower and get thoroughly cleaned up. Then take the Mercedes sedan the Sanders women had brought, and drive to AVA. The little girl could spend the rest of that day playing in the public park but be back at The Hill by dark.

For the next few years, nothing out of the ordinary happened, maybe getting her own horse for her seventh birthday. Then she and Melon her horse having three poisonous snakes for friends. Shelby had a good friend, Susie Wilson who lived just two doors west of the Gores. Susie is shorter, cute, and a genuine troublemaker besides being one year older and two grades farther ahead in school.
Every Monday, little Susie would tell her friend about the fun she was having with high school boys the previous Saturday night. Then the unthinkable happened, Shelby saw her dad’s NEW boss at church. For the first time she showed a major jealous streak, a mile wide. He was with an absolutely gorgeous woman who owns most every business in their small town. On their way home, Shelby threw a fit about that man being with THAT woman. Her parents explained to her that she is too young to be worrying about boys or men. The woman is Kare-Ann Young, engaged to some military General. Someday?
Calling Susie to come over so they could talk, made her feel some better. According to Susie everyone at church had noticed her jealous actions. Right then, this young girl made it her goal in life to make sure she ended up with this man. Kare-Ann caught her after services the following Sunday, wanting to talk.
“How is School? Do you have a boyfriend? How do you like being able to use all the facilities at The Hill? Great place to swim and work on your tan; how about coming by my office at Young’s? I’ve got a proposal I think you might like.” Shelby already knew she looked far better than most high school girls. Working out in the Gore’s home gym and running on The Hill’s track had caused her young body to fill out.
The old men who spent their days sitting in the town square park, would give out wolf whistles as she cut through nearby: “Honey, you sure are cute.” which made young Shelby feel even better. Young’s signed her up to be in their weekly newspaper ads in eleven papers, then wearing the clothes to school so students could get a better look.

Shelby Gore
This teenage girl must learn how to Fight organized crime to the DEATH, her life depends on it, NOW! CLICK the name to Get the Book below