Once upon a Time (15,300 BC)
There were four teenage girls, living a happy life on their home world of Erra, in the Pleiades Star System, under the light of their ten suns. This is in an area in space, we know today as Orion’s Belt; their names were Dasha, Masha, Sasha and Tasha, of which Dasha was nearly one year older than her three friends.
The University of the Pleiades was quite proud of their ability to turn teenagers into able adults who could take their place in society and achieve much. Dasha was a business major, Masha was studying phycology, Sasha and Tasha were very bright students in the field of engineering. Each ready to take their place in the Universe and benefit all those who could use their services
Everyone had heard the stories of Lady Andromeda’s great courage in the Universal War, that many years later got her chosen to be the Superior of the Andromeda Galaxy. She was here to choose an escort for the Prince William, who would shortly be coming to this planet of Erra for a State Visit. Prince William is her son, with Michael the Archangel, who had been soul companions for over 999 million years.
She asked Dasha if she would be willing to go for a walk with her out on the University grounds. “Young lady, you’ve been highly recommended for this honor, but do not let him run over you, let yourself be heard. His basic education is now complete, he has just had his one thousandth birthday.”
To any young girl of that age, a man with an age of 1,000 years was a great honor, as it meant he was educated and could provide well for any woman he might choose to be his companion. This is the Prince William, known throughout the entire Universe as the son of Michael and Andromeda.