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Why Shelby Gore?

Shelby dresses better
Walking Home Alone
Walking Home Alone!

Shelby Gore in Cedarville?

Why is Shelby Gore black-listed? Cedarville is a small town of only 1,400 residents, where over 1,000 men and women local and from nearby towns work at the Cedarville Steel plant. Most everyone buys what they need at Young’s Family & Home Center (OPEN 6 am to 11 pm). The entire Gore family moved to Cedarville in late 1972, Gus had a new job starting as the new third shift supervisor at the local steel plant. He and Marcella had to get ready for the special little girl they were adopting. Shelby arrived on her first birthday to a world she was not accustomed to.

Over the next fifteen and a half years, she grew into a beautiful young lady, with wants and desires far beyond her young age. For the first 15 years, she had her best friend Susie Wilson to bounce the reckless ideas off of. That all ended on Shelby’s 16th birthday, when she announced there would be no more Friday night parties at her house. These parties were just a given, FREE snacks, soft drinks, and personal items to go with the use of her 12-person hot-tub/spa. A large private backyard, outdoor propane fireplace on the very large screened in back porch, with bad weather drop down curtains. Not one person has ever gotten into any type of trouble.

No one had considered the costs involved, who was paying for and cooking the hotdogs, hamburgers, and providing several brands of soft drinks. How much would propane, and personal care items consumed by one hundred teenagers every Friday night for the last six years cost? The Gore family live comfortably, but they are not rich. Someone else had to be paying these bills. Three local businesses have donated a new gymnasium, football field, and science lab to Cedarville High school. This is millions of dollars coming from somewhere, but who is providing this kind of money in such a small town?

Shelby Gore has the best tan of any girl at Cedarville High, what boy in his right mind would not want a date with this very sexy girl, but not one date since that last party at her house last September 25th. There were at least 100 students attending, maybe the other girls got jealous? Just maybe Shelby was too friendly with every boy there celebrating her upcoming birthday. Today is Thursday April 14th, 1988, but there is more to this girl than her sexy good looks, there’s a contract out on her freedom and her life… How will she be able to survive until tomorrow?

Susie is smokin
Susie Wilson

The whole school know the stories about Shelby Gore, her every Friday night parties lasted for six years. If you wanted invited back, YOU better keep your mouth shut. No alcohol, No drugs, just have the best time you can dream of. The parties started on her tenth birthday; Susie was just eleven and already dating boys old enough to drive their own cars. The drive-in theater at Simple City was her favorite place to spend her Saturday nights. This was before the Friday night parties started, she never missed one party in six years.

Shelby and Susie never had even one relationship develop during this amount of time. Every boy attending the parties bragged to their friends about no bikinis allowed. Everyone looks better being natural and Shelby’s mom gave her set of rules on arrival each week that had to be followed. Violate any of her rules and you will not be invited to come back. If you were invited once, you wanted to come back again and again. No one older than high school age was ever allowed to attend. There was never any trouble, or problems that developed. On sight security was the normal.

It was common knowledge Shelby had relationships with several older men, first it was the athletic coach, then the science teacher, the math teacher, then the principal and superintendent. The Commerce teacher complained about catching Shelby having fun in the backseat of a car during lunch time. Shelby knew all the dirt, this lady was the science teacher’s wife, and was caring for the principal and superintendent too. So, the matter got dropped when Shelby told her to do a better job at home, then I will be able to quit doing your husband. Amazing how in the four to six years, nobody ever got into any trouble. The parties ended abruptly when on her 16th birthday September 28, 1987, Shelby announced there would be no more parties, and no more fun after school with teachers. Susie Wilson got really pissed off deciding to make the other girl’s life turn really BAD! School age teenage girls can be real BITCHES!

working on her tan
Shelby loves to show off her amazing all-over tan
Looking Good
Everyone knows Shelby is a Slut!