Shelby loves Her Coffee

Why CBD in Your Coffee?

Rid Your Body of many toxins destroying Your Good Health

Love My Coffee
Country Girl

American Farmers are turning to Hemp

CBD is NOT New, it’s been around for thousands of years, and should NOT be confused with marijuana. Here in the USA, it was available over the counter in every drug-store and most grocery stores, consumed by most everyone wanting to stay healthy. Cancer, diabetes, heart-disease, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, and many brain disorders were extremely RARE, mainly showing up in those who did NOT use CBD regularly (daily). Hemp was used for making paper and rope, until a few American RICH guys decided to have it outlawed. William Randolph Hearst wanted to make paper out of wood fibers since he owned or leased many acres of timber in several states. John D Rockefeller wanted more uses for petroleum, like rope and dangerous medicines, Dupont owned many patents that were worth nothing as long as hemp was readily available. Without CBD tinctures new diseases could be spread around the entire world.

Hemp was made illegal to possess and sell in September of 1937. Since the most valuable crop ever discovered was reclassified into a narcotic, the environment has been in a state of decline ever since. Hemp was suddenly considered to be the most violent plant, which is why Congress was PAID to outlaw hemp. Thus our bad health is still paying the high price for these people’s GREED. Public Schools have been instructed to teach History leaving out many of the facts.

Hemp, or industrial hemp, is a botanical class of Cannabis sativa cultivars grown specifically for industrial or medicinal use. It can be used to make a wide range of products. Along with bamboo, hemp is among the fastest growing plants on Earth. It was also one of the first plants to be spun into usable fiber 50,000 years ago. It can be refined into a variety of commercial items, including paper, rope, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastics, paint, insulation, biofuel, food, and animal feed. READ more about the people who conspired to make Hemp illegal so they could get RICH at great cost to the common man. How many people do you know who are now sick or have already died from the above named diseases?

Tommy Chong swears CBD has cured his cancer twice, and age 84 he’s doing just fine, you can buy his brand of CBD from his website. Michael J. Fox is one of his friends who has worked hard to get their stories out to the public about how CBD has made his life function better. Parkinson’s Disease destroyed his acting career, but CBD has helped him control the symptoms. Just as many people suffering from epileptic seizures, have for years moved to Colorado to be able to get CBD and help stop their health problems.

Taking CBD Oil by squirting a dropper full under your tongue tastes a little funky. I’m not against that method, but there are better ways. CBD Coffee is one of the methods my wife and I use daily. At your local CBD store, the price is $40/pound. After buying this product for some time, I learned hoe to make my own and add as much CBD as I desired. Buy the three pound Folgers at Sam’s Club, use two scoops in a 12-cup coffee maker, squirt 3 droppers full of 25 mg. CBD liquid on top of the grounds and brew it into the coffee.

COST: Swanson Vitamins; 2 fl oz bottle 25 mg CBD liquid on sale 35% off is $30.08, emailed specials every day. I watch for the 35% off Swanson brand, thus saving several dollars. Folgers Coffee from Sam’s Club approximately $12/48/51 oz can, so about $42 for 3 pounds of quality coffee and CBD added. Never add sugar to your coffee, use Agave nectar (Amazon or Walmart), one squirt to a 34 oz cup, add 34 drops of Swanson ph Balance Drops to kill the acid.

Thanks to President Donald J. Trump for getting the 2018 Farm Bill passed by Congress, then signing it into LAW December 20, 2018. Pharmaceutical companies (ALL still under the control of the same families that outlawed HEMP) hate Trump for making people aware of the benefits of CBD, which he is now using too. Saying that it can be used for preventing or treating any disease is still against the law. The Medical Industry wants you to be sick and suffering from every disease they can dream up. YOU being sick IS how they make their money.

Looking Good
The Royal Daughter

If you want to stay Healthy, feel GOOD, then CBD is what you've been looking for.

Shelby is and has always been a Citizen of Colombia, SA… So getting CBD for her coffee has always been a natural. The Hill is a Colombian Council General with diplomatic immunity for all residents providing these unusual young ladies with many extra benefits. Since turning one year old, she has made use of those facilities, swimming pool, running track, gym, PGA sanctioned golf course, and stables.

Susie Wilson